项目分类 | 住宅建筑

弘阳昕悦府售楼中心/Redsun Xinyue Mansion Sales Center

关键词 | 示范区 售楼中心

项目位置:江苏 · 江阴

用地面积:6500 ㎡


The new Asian Style is a highly respected concept in the international architecture field. Hongyang new Asian style architecture is a combination of Asian tradition and modern culture, emphasizing the harmonious coexistence of architecture and environment, and advocating an open attitude and introverted character. It not only has an international vision but also retains Chinese cultural traditions. The cultural connotations of Asian values are expounded from the perspectives of the unity of nature and man, inclusiveness, introspection, and harmony.

COPYRIGHT (©) 2018 迈恩国际. / 沪ICP备10201016号-1 / 技术支持:上海橙谷